Batesburg, South Carolina Weather by Month

Batesburg, South Carolina, located in the heart of Lexington County, is a quaint town known for its Southern charm, friendly community, and rich history. Located in the central part of the state, Batesburg is affiliated with the United States and is part of the greater Columbia metropolitan area. With a population of approximately 5,000 residents, Batesburg covers a land area of 7.9 square miles. The town’s geography is characterized by rolling hills, lush forests, and fertile farmland, offering beautiful views and abundant natural beauty. Major landmarks include the historic Batesburg-Leesville downtown district, featuring well-preserved architecture from the early 20th century, and Lake Murray, a sprawling reservoir popular for outdoor recreation.

Climate and Weather Overview

Batesburg, South Carolina experiences a humid subtropical climate, typical of the southeastern United States. The town enjoys mild winters, hot and humid summers, and relatively consistent precipitation throughout the year. Situated inland, Batesburg is shielded from the direct impact of hurricanes compared to coastal areas, but still occasionally experiences tropical storm effects during the Atlantic hurricane season.

Average Climate Data

Below is a table detailing the average temperature, precipitation, and number of sunny days for each month in Batesburg, South Carolina:

Month Average Temperature (°F) Precipitation (inches) Sunny Days
January 54 3.62 6
February 57 3.86 7
March 65 4.49 7
April 73 3.36 8
May 80 3.33 9
June 87 4.13 9
July 90 4.51 9
August 89 4.87 9
September 83 4.20 7
October 73 3.16 7
November 64 2.78 6
December 56 3.48 6

Weather by Month


January in Batesburg is characterized by mild temperatures, with an average high of 54°F. While it is one of the coldest months of the year, snowfall is rare, and precipitation primarily comes in the form of rain, averaging 3.62 inches. Outdoor activities such as hiking in nearby state parks or exploring historical sites like the Lexington County Museum are recommended during this time. Indoor activities such as visiting art galleries or attending local theater productions provide alternative entertainment options.


February sees a slight increase in temperatures in Batesburg, with an average high of 57°F. While still cool, the weather becomes more conducive to outdoor activities such as birdwatching or nature walks in the surrounding countryside. However, visitors should be prepared for occasional rainfall, with an average precipitation of 3.86 inches. Indoor attractions such as museums or historic homes offer opportunities to learn about the town’s heritage and culture.


As spring approaches, March brings milder temperatures to Batesburg, with an average high of 65°F. The town begins to come alive with blooming flowers and budding trees, making it an ideal time for outdoor excursions such as picnics or fishing trips at Lake Murray. While precipitation increases to an average of 4.49 inches, sunny days still prevail, providing ample opportunities for outdoor recreation. Visitors can also explore local farmers’ markets or attend spring festivals celebrating the season’s bounty.


April heralds the arrival of warmer weather in Batesburg, with temperatures averaging around 73°F. Outdoor enthusiasts can take advantage of the pleasant climate by exploring hiking trails or enjoying water sports on Lake Murray. While rainfall decreases slightly to 3.36 inches on average, occasional showers may occur, so visitors should be prepared with appropriate attire. Cultural activities such as outdoor concerts or art festivals offer additional entertainment options for visitors and residents alike.


May brings even warmer temperatures to Batesburg, with an average high of 80°F. The town experiences longer daylight hours and increased sunshine, making it an ideal time for outdoor activities such as boating, swimming, and hiking. With relatively low precipitation of 3.33 inches on average, visitors can fully enjoy the natural beauty of the area. Local parks and recreational areas provide opportunities for family-friendly outings, while wineries and breweries offer tastings and tours for adults.


June marks the onset of summer in Batesburg, with temperatures averaging around 87°F. The town experiences hot and humid weather, prompting residents and visitors to seek relief in the cool waters of Lake Murray or nearby swimming pools. While rainfall increases to 4.13 inches on average, sunny days still dominate the forecast, providing ideal conditions for outdoor adventures. Summer festivals and outdoor concerts offer entertainment options for visitors of all ages.


July is the peak of summer in Batesburg, with temperatures soaring to an average high of 90°F. The town experiences hot and humid conditions, making it essential to stay hydrated and seek shade when outdoors. While rainfall is common, with an average precipitation of 4.51 inches, residents and visitors can still enjoy outdoor activities such as barbecues, fireworks displays, and water sports. Indoor attractions such as museums or shopping centers offer respite from the heat.


Similar to July, August maintains hot and humid weather in Batesburg, with temperatures averaging around 89°F. While rainfall remains consistent at 4.87 inches on average, sunny days provide opportunities for outdoor recreation such as hiking, fishing, and golfing. Visitors can also explore local parks and nature preserves or attend community events and festivals celebrating the summer season. Indoor activities such as visiting art galleries or enjoying a meal at a local restaurant offer enjoyable alternatives during the heat of the day.


As summer transitions to fall, September brings mild temperatures to Batesburg, with an average high of 83°F. While still warm, the weather becomes more comfortable for outdoor activities such as hiking, biking, and picnicking. With an average precipitation of 4.20 inches, occasional rain showers may occur, but sunny days still prevail. Visitors can explore local farmers’ markets or attend fall festivals celebrating the harvest season. Indoor attractions such as historical museums or art galleries offer educational and cultural experiences for visitors seeking indoor entertainment.


October showcases the beauty of autumn in Batesburg, with cooler temperatures averaging around 73°F. The town experiences crisp mornings and mild afternoons, making it an ideal time for outdoor activities such as leaf peeping, apple picking, and hayrides. While rainfall decreases to 3.16 inches on average, occasional showers may occur, so visitors should come prepared with appropriate attire. Local pumpkin patches, corn mazes, and haunted attractions provide festive entertainment options for families and thrill-seekers alike.


November brings cooler temperatures and the gradual transition to winter in Batesburg, with an average high of 64°F. While outdoor activities such as hiking and fishing are still enjoyable, visitors should be prepared for cooler weather and occasional frost. With an average precipitation of 2.78 inches, rainfall decreases compared to previous months, providing opportunities for outdoor exploration. Indoor attractions such as holiday markets or seasonal craft fairs offer opportunities for shopping and socializing as the holiday season approaches.


December marks the onset of winter in Batesburg, with temperatures averaging around 56°F. While snowfall is rare, the town may experience occasional frost or freezing temperatures. With an average precipitation of 3.48 inches, occasional rain showers may occur, but sunny days still provide opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking or birdwatching. Indoor attractions such as holiday light displays or theatrical performances offer festive entertainment options for visitors and residents alike.

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